Tales of Myr

these lands have yet to be discovered....

Magic and Melee

Within the world of Myr, characters are able to achieve the impossible. Whether it is seamlessly wielding powerful magic or learning formidable skills with a myriad of weapons, the systems in place allow for complete customization of your characters to weave into everyone's unique story.

Magic and Melee are monitored by Character post count and the completion of specific Quests or Events. Below are listed the requirements for level progression.


  • While we allow for ample creative freedom in regard to any desired magic, we ask that Members keep in mind that not all magic should be 'all powerful'. Even at the Transcendent tier, magic is still in-tuned with the Character's very life essence, and as such we expect that every magic, no matter the level, has a counterbalance weakness.
  • As Characters level up, they are capable of casting spells of varying strength up to the maximum level of their current tier.
  • Please note - Staff are permitted to request Members alter any magic that may be perceived as 'too overpowered'. If you are uncertain, please feel free to DM a member of Staff or ask in the #Ask-Staff channel on our Discord!
  • While Tales of Myr is in its Beta stage, please be aware that these requirements are subject to change at any time. An announcement will be made should any changes occur.


    No Post Count requirement. All Characters start at the Novice level.
    Abilities: Basic spells with minimal power and range. At this level, Characters have barely begun their arcane journey. They are limited in capacity, range, and strength, and often may find themselves fatigued or lethargic in the wake of continuous practice.


    Requirement: 15 Posts, 2 Completed Quests
    Abilities: Moderate power and range, better control of spells. Still the Character may find themselves winded or tired after prolonged duration.


    Requirements: 30 Posts, 3 Quests Completed
    Abilities: Advanced, multi-target spells and efficiency.


    Requirements: 50 Posts, 4 Quests Completed, 1 Site-Wide-Plot Event Completed
    Abilities: Large-scale, high-power spells. Characters at this level are able to cast their spells at any variation of strength, from lower level capabilities to higher level, more destructive ones.


    Requirements: 100 Posts, 6 Quests Completed, 2 Site-Wide-Plot Events Completed
    Abilities: The highest level of magic achievable by mortals, Transcendent allows for temporary reality-altering, immensely powerful spells. Spells cast at such high power are capable of many impossible feats, but risk leaving the caster physically altered, injured, or exhausted for long periods of time.


    Not all Characters who find themselves living in Myr feel the pull of the arcane weave, and as such they instead choose to pursue a more martial way of life. Characters are free to wield any type of weapon they would like, both real and fantastical, and are not required to master only 'one' weapon type. As Characters train and put their skills to use, their Melee levels will increase.


    No Post Count requirement. All Characters start at the Novice level.
    Abilities: The character possesses a basic understanding of combat. Their techniques are rudimentary, focusing on messy fundamentals like simple strikes, blocks, and counters. Characters will have limited stamina and situational awareness and fatigue will set in quickly.


    Requirements: 15 Posts, 2 Completed Quests
    Abilities: At this level, characters can fight with more fluidity and effectiveness. They begin to specialize in a weapon or fighting style, demonstrating greater control and adaptability. Their stamina and endurance has strengthened, but still, the Character will tire after prolonged exertion.


    Requirements: 30 Posts, 3 Completed Quests
    Abilities: Martial prowess becomes second nature, with intuitive techniques and advanced strategies. Characters can execute unique, impactful combat moves and excel in their chosen weapon(s) and style(s).


    Requirements: 50 Posts, 4 Completed Quests, 1 Site-Wide-Plot Event Completed
    Abilities: Characters at this level display unmatched skill and mastery of their discipline. They dominate the battlefield, executing complex techniques and blending styles with ease.


    Requirements: 100 Posts, 6 Completed Quests, 2 Site-Wide Plot Events Completed
    Abilities: The pinnacle of martial ability, characters at this level achieve near-mythic status. Their skills defy conventional limits, allowing feats of extraordinary speed, power, and precision.

    Combining Magic and Melee

    Should Characters feel the draw of both magic and melee abilities, they are permitted to multi-class into both so long as they meet the requirements.

    Enchanted Items

    Upon the Celestial Summit sits the Molten Veil, a hidden forge of endless arcane possibility. The Molten Veil is tended to by a reclusive, enigmatic blacksmith who, for a price, will craft a weapon fitting the Character's desires. The keeper of the forge does not speak but will listen with a neutral ear.

  • Enchanted Item Quests are one of Myr's more simple systems - if desired, the Character can post upon the Celestial Summit within the Molten Veil and interact with the forge's mysterious blacksmith. This interaction is entirely player driven.
  • The word count minimum for an Enchanted Item Quest is 500 words

  • Other Means of Obtaining Enchanted Items

    Characters can gain Enchanted Items by working together with other Characters within Myr. Other ways of gaining Enchanted Items could be:
  • A Personal Quest, which the Quest and the goal itself is entirely player driven.
  • Enlisting the assistance of a Character on site who has the magical ability to enchant various items.
  • Petition a Sovereign or one of the Pantheon, if desired.
  • All Enchanted Item quests require a 500 wordcount minimum.

  • Characters may have a maximum of 10 Enchanted Items.

    Upon completing the Quest, make sure that your Character's inventory is updated to reflect the Enchanted Item, and then post in the Character Updates board under Member Services.

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